Leagues at all levels take action. Our advocacy can include writing letters to media or legislators, holding press conferences, speaking at hearings and public meetings, adding our voice to a ballot measure campaign or sending action alerts to our members. Taking action is always based on current program positions and/or on League Principles. Positions are developed based on member study and consensus. We have many positions, and many opportunities to act, so how does the League of Women Voters of Mt. Baldy Area board determine when to take action on local issues?
League Priorities
The LWV MT BALDY AREA has a series of priorities: the Issues for Education and Advocacy set every year at our annual meeting, the legislative priorities set for each legislative session by the board, and the core issues of the League that include redistricting, elections, voting rights, and individual rights for health and safety.
Observers attend regular and special meetings of local governmental bodies, without participating, and then report to the Board about issues under consideration at these meetings and how they relate to the League's existing positions. They also present their observations to the membership. Their reports are forwarded to the local government group they observe.